Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Paris 2024, Day 6 - Disney (Part 2)

Which Way? Left? Right? Up? Down?

What did we have to expect in this high-hedged maze? Curiouser and curiouser. Would we get lost or turned around? The only way out was through.

What was in here? I didn't have a bottle of shrinking liquid to get to the right size to go through. Though I did see a small child go up to the door and enter.

These fellas sound so sad when they honk.

From one maze straight into another? Oh, dear. Oh, dear. How do I get out? I have a lunch reservation to make, and I don't want to be late!

What is that yelling I'm hearing? Oh, my. She looks rather furious. Good thing the kids can't see that.

Finally escaped the mazes. Most direct route to lunch? Straight through the castle.

And what a fantastic view you get when coming out the front.

The hotel at the bottom of Main St. USA almost makes this view look like it has its own castle.

But I took a little longer than desired in the mazes, so was arriving a few minutes late to my reservation.

There was one person ahead of me looking to check in, but the CMs at the desk were dealing with something on the phone. It took about 5-10 minutes for them to finally resolve whatever the issue was to deal with the people in front of them. Come on! I'm hungry! But, while waiting, let's explore a little of the waiting area.

Finally made it upstairs and seated.

Sure, I was in the corner, but that enabled a view of the rest of this particular dining room. (There are several -- I toured them afterwards.)

Lunch was quite tasty:

The pot pie appetizer with the lid off:

Farmhouse chicken was quite good, too.

And, of course, the Pineapple Upside Down Cake.

Some of the decorations in this particular dining room:

I then took advantage of being here to look around at the other dining rooms. I did my best to be as unobtrusive as possible (and kept shifting out of the way of the waitstaff scurrying about), despite some of the awkward looks a few of the other patrons gave me.

Back on schedule, I headed on out. Rather than go back to any rides in this park, my next destination was to the other park, Walt Disney Studios. But, before I managed that, as I emerged from Walt's, I was greeted by the tail end of a parade:

And as I got out front of Disneyland, I noticed the brickwork of the castle. It was wide open for a photo at mid-day. If this were WDW, it would've taken quite a long time to get people to be clear of either taking their own photos or simply walking across it.

Next up, though, Walt Disney Studios!

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