Friday, August 23, 2024

Paris 2024, Day 4 (Part 5 - Day's End!)

Wow, what a day. From the hot day meandering the grounds of Versailles to the cool environs that encompass the underground Catacombs. It's truly a bizarre and somewhat disturbing experience walking through an area with the transplanted bones of the deceased from hundreds of years ago.

And even a little disturbing in the gift shop:

Walking the catacombs actually has you exiting about 1km further away from where you first entered. Given that, I got to the restaurant for dinner a smidge later than my reservation. Not that it mattered, there were relatively few people there.

Despite the rather rude waitress - who unceremoniously left part-way through my meal once her relief arrived without attempting to point that out to me (I easily figured it out) - the food was really very good. Delaying my usual burger by a little over 12 hours was worth it. And how could I pass up a dessert of chocolate mousse in Paris? It was good, though I still prefer my family recipe -- I have never had better yet.

Finally, it was off to the Tour Montparnasse, the second tallest tower in Paris. En route, I passed by a cemetery on either side of the road I was on, where several notable figures are buried. However, it was late enough that it was closed.

(The cemetery I had just passed through)

(The city just goes on forever)

I stuck around long enough to see the city transform from dusk through sunset and into nighttime.

MPT medal with Notre Dame in the background:

MPT medal with the Louvre and Olympic cauldron in the background:

Eiffel Tower at sunset, and with the MPT medal:

As darkness descends, the Eiffel Tower slowly lights up.

While sunset was approximately 9:15pm, it wasn't until after 10pm that the city was dark enough that I was able to take this final medal photo:

One more full day in Paris -- finally getting to the Louvre, as well as what wound up being a relatively brief visit to the Musee de la Shoah.

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