Thursday, August 22, 2024

Paris 2024, Day 4 (part 2)

Next up was the Trianon estate, more intimate spaces than the main palace, yet relatively close, though on the hot day that I was there, it felt like it was a very long distance away.

The rooms inside Grand Trianon were quite nice. I didn't make note of the particulars for each of the many rooms below:

Paintings of the Versailles grounds:

And a couple of more rooms:

There was a small portion of the surrounding grounds that were available for meandering.

Then it was a brief additional walk to get to Little Trianon.

It was time to head back to the gardens. And, thankfully, at the end of this nicely shaded (and more direct) path, there was a stand where I was able to get a bite to eat for lunch.

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