Saturday, August 31, 2024

Erie, 1 week out

My last chance for a truly viable BQ is a week from tomorrow in Erie. Any fitness that I need for it has already been developed - this last week is mostly just tapering to get my legs as fresh as possible, make sure I don't get an injury, and try to get appropriate nutrition.

The last variable, which I have absolutely zero control over, is the weather. What will the temperature be? Humidity? Will it be raining? Of course, the forecast will change daily until the actual day, but it's reasonable to start looking at it.

Temps look to be a little higher than desired, but not hideous. Humidity ain't great. And low to no chance of rain -- so far -- depending on which model you look at.

Alas, the pace that I want to run is not a standard pace group time, so there won't be an official pacer for 3:15. I'll need to decide on the day if I want to go out on my own for that pace, or start off with the 3:20 pacer, and decide at the halfway point whether or not to go for as good a negative split as I can, though not likely managing to get the 3:15 (that's a hard negative split to do).

Will probably post something in one of the FB groups I belong to if I decide to go straight-up for 3:15, to see how many others want to join me. Heck, maybe someone else can actually act as the pacer.

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