Saturday, April 23, 2022

Who ordered this weather for B2B? Thank you!

Can it really be? Gorgeous, nearly perfect weather for Boston followed by gorgeous, even more perfect weather for Big Sur? It's looking like that's actually going to be the case!

We start at Carmel:


We arrive there on the buses around 4:30am and start running at 6:35am, so it should be about 48F during that timeframe.

Then, finishing at Big Sur:

Given I'm shooting for 4 hours or so, I should be finishing at approximately 10:30 - 11am, while the temps should still be in the lower 60s.

As I type this (Thursday night) I don't yet have the hourly forecast, but it should be pretty close temperature-wise. And the winds appear to be comparable to what we had at Boston. Sure, it's unfortunate that it will be largely a headwind, but it shouldn't be too bad.


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