Saturday, April 29, 2023

Always room for improvement

Recently, I got an e-mail from my gym about taking a Functional Movement Screen test. This morning, I took them up on the offer. In short, it measured mobility of both lower and upper body. One unsurprising result is that my ankles are pretty weak. I could tell that prior to the test because of my balance -- if my ankles were stronger, doing movements on one leg would be easier and steadier than they typically are for me. And working on my ankles may help with the rest of the kinetic chain up through to my hips (which are always a bit tight). So, regardless of whether this helps improve my times, it will help the mechanics of my running (and presumably recovery).

I have some exercises that were provided to me that I should be taking on. Most being daily, a couple being only 2-3 times per week. 

The kicker, though, was the comment/recommendation that I cut back on my running until after I sufficiently improve my ankles. (Gasp!)

"So, when you say reduce my running, just how much are you saying? I will be pacing for the Historic Half Marathon on May 21."

"Well, ideally you would cut it out completely. But I'm practical and don't want to get in the way of your goal race. So, don't worry about it before your race. You can start your pullback after then."

Big sigh of relief, but what I didn't flag to him is the fact that I will also need to start my next training cycle the week after the half, so that I can hit my goal at Sydney. I just sent all the relevant info to my coach who I'm looking to start back up with -- assuming he thinks that all the different things on my calendar between now and then won't get in the way of achieving the end goal and it's worth the time. (We'll see once he sees the e-mail.)

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