Sunday, October 31, 2021

Don't let hiccups get you down

Today's run definitely qualifies as a sizable hiccup. The plan was to run 13 miles anywhere from 7:05 (flat/downhill) to 7:15 or so (uphill). Right form the start, that was shot, and there wasn't a particular reason I could discern for it early on. [Strike 1] Yes, it's only 1 week post-marathon, but my prior runs the last several days have gone just fine. And the weather was gorgeous this morning. (Probably about 50F when I started out, no wind, and minimal direct sun.) I quickly resolved to not be overly concerned about the pace, it was more about the mileage anyway -- especially since I'll be taking NYC at an easier pace than last week -- I'm running it for the experience of the thing, NOT for a PR.

My head never fully got into the run this morning. [Strike 2] I kept circling back to a conversation I had with a friend last night about how I very much draw energy from the crowds during a race, and that outdoor training runs and virtual marathons are so much more mentally taxing for me than big city marathons. Even indoors in the gym on the treadmill provides for some energy because of the other people in the gym that I can casually observe and the distraction of the TV in front of me.

And despite my having had plenty of time between when I ate breakfast and went to the bathroom, and when I started my run, apparently there was more to be had. [Strike 3] By Mile 8 it was certainly a struggle, and there are no portapotties on the route I was on. Thankfully, with the route I was taking, I wasn't *too* far from the gym once I hit Mile 9. So, decision made -- stop running at Mile 9 and walk the remaining distance (about ½ mile) to the gym (since running was becoming a bit too difficult to hold everything in).

While I originally thought I would just pick up the remaining 4 miles on the treadmill afterwards, I quickly recognized that my glutes were a bit too strained and were certainly going to cause a problem if I picked it up quite that quickly. So, rather than doing a full run today, I'm winding up splitting today's mileage into a double. Start was 9 miles, and about 6 hours after finishing the first part, I'll pick up with an additional 4 miles. (Just not sure at the moment if I'll do it on the treadmill or outside. It's still gorgeous out there.)

Yes, today's performance was disappointing compared to expectations. However, I have to keep my eyes on the prize: running NYC next Sunday with 30,000 other people, and having the expected roller coaster of emotions throughout the entire day. For the 50th running of the NYC marathon I will be running *my* 50th marathon, months before my 50th birthday - wonderful synchronicity. Staying healthy and injury-free through then is the most important thing. Any other intermediate goals are just excess gravy, nice to have but not intrinsically important.

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