Tuesday, November 26, 2024

It's official!

The woman that I was alluding to in my earlier blog post about a tentative world record just got word that her record attempt has been confirmed by Guinness.

Congratulations are in order to Gretchen Swarr for setting the record for the fastest marathon run dressed as a chef (female), in 3:57:10. Whereas my (unsuccessful) attempt at the same record for a male was done while carrying a stock pot, hers was accomplished while carrying a cast iron skillet! And one that she still hasn't even cooked in yet! 

Given the timing of the TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon, she'll have to wait for about a year to see whether her record (with or without photo) makes it into the print version of the 2026 Guinness World Records book.

Anyone whose motivation for running has waned... consider giving a world record attempt a shot. It's lots of fun, and if you get the right costume and a big enough race, you get ENORMOUS crowd support cheering you on.

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