Monday, September 9, 2024

Recovery Going Well

Often when running "for time," it takes multiple days for recovery to be working well. While it may be premature to make that determination, things are going well. I know I didn't take it easy at any point during the marathon -- I put it all out on the course. Soaking in the tub for a bit before my shower, and using my Normatec boots immediately afterward (alas, only for 15 minutes, rather than the desired 30+ minutes) was a good immediate beginning to my recovery. Breaking up my drive in two parts so that I wasn't sitting for an excessively long stretch of time helped, as did using the Normatec boots for a full hour after dinner.

Today, I did some active recovery by going on the elliptical for an hour this afternoon, and will see tomorrow whether a moderate pace on treadmill or another elliptical session is advisable. Definitely need to make sure that I am doing what I can to be running at a pace that will hold me in good stead for my pacing gig in less than 2 weeks.

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