Sunday, July 14, 2024

Indoor puddles - yuck!

So far, this summer has been rather dreadful. Sure, it's supposed to be hot -- it's summer after all. But this excessively high heat and humidity combined is really doing a number on training. And, as you may already know, most of my training is done indoors on the treadmill.

For weeks, now, I have been a virtual puddle after nearly all of my training runs, even at somewhat lower paces and only 6 miles long.

But my long runs are certainly suffering from it. A couple of photos from two of my last three evidence just how much water I'm shedding:

While it, in itself, isn't problematic (I'm taking in a reasonable amount of water and electrolytes - no cramping going on), it certainly seems to be coinciding with my runs that have me taking unplanned stretches of walking, either because my legs are exceedingly tired (I think that's just the volume of training) or because my HR is spiking. 

Rather frustrating. And certainly has me wondering how Erie is going to go, given how frequently that race is pretty warm. I have my contingencies for what to do if the temp is too high to reasonably pursue my BQ-10 (3:15), especially since I am committed to pacing the 3:55 group at Air Force Marathon two weeks later.

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