Monday, December 5, 2022

Volunteer for Boston?

BAA has opened up their schedule for volunteering for the marathon in April. Aside from various races where I have been one of the pacers, I have only volunteered at Chicago 2016, where I helped out in distributing the t-shirts for packet pick-up, and one of MCM's slate of races this year, manning one of the aid stations.

Once I see the available slots (after I reset my password -- getting into my account wasn't working minutes ago), I'll need to decide if I want to take the chance of taking one of the slots now, prior to knowing what the full schedule in Boston, the Expo, and the surrounding environs will be. One of the things I am fully expecting to occur, and which I would like to attend, is a ceremony related to the 10th anniversary of the 2013 bombing. I could see it being held in the morning on that Saturday, but I could also see it being held to coincide closely with the actual time of the explosions.

Regardless, volunteering for any of the various aspects of road races is a great thing to do, and something that is always desperately needed.

If you're interested in doing so for Boston Marathon, make sure to log into Athlete's Village to see the schedule and sign up.

(Update: I finally got in and submitted my preference for either of the Saturday shifts at the expo "Wherever I'm Needed". We'll see if I get it, and if so, where they will actually use me, from bib or shirt distribution, to expo ambassador, to selling the merch.)

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