Sunday, October 4, 2020

Taper in high gear

Today's final long run was only 15 miles @ 7:15 pace. Garmin was considerably off outside today (over 3% short of actual distance, average), so having reliable splits was not possible. While my splits look pretty bad compared to deired pace, I was pretty much spot-on, considering final distance was 15.25mi as opposed to 14.76mi.

This coming week is going to be very bizarre for me, given the huge fluctuations being called for in my diet. I'll be eating carb-heavy snacks for ~70% of my diet for a few days before dropping carbs down to 20% to deplete for a couple of days before I ramp them back up in the 2-3 days before the race. Lots of extra sea salt in the last few days as I pre-hydrate a lot, too. Race day is going to be HOT (starting ~65F), so hopefully this strategy will help me be fully hydrated at start and allow me to retain sufficient salt and water during the race itself.

Relatively limited amount of running this week, but I'm going to make sure to do it outside in the heat, to re-acclimate myself to running in those conditions. (Today's run was gorgeous, at ~45-50F.)

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