Sunday, October 15, 2023

Preparing for pacing

It's been one week since running Chicago, and in one more week I will be pacing for Marathon Pacing at the Atlantic City Marathon. So far, the weather looks nearly ideal (though a bit windy), and the course is pretty darn flat (considering more than half of it is on the Boardwalk). I think there might be one or two "hills" by way of ramps, but that should be it. (I can't visualize the course, having run it in 2018. I think I'm confusing some of it with a couple of other courses that were boardwalk-oriented: Rehoboth Beach and Shamrock.)

Today I decided to run 13.1 miles at my pace for next weekend: 9:55/mi. It's going to be rather tricky to slow down enough to do that. (When I first started running, I never thought I would say something like that!) Today's run (on the hilly streets by my gym, and amid some pretty strong wind gusts) had me finish nearly 4 minutes faster than I should have. 

Usually I take my pace down a little during the aid stations (yet still running) -- depending on how well I can modulate my running pace compared to today, I might actually be able to take it down to a walk during the aid stations and for a drop after in order to average out the pace, and give everyone's legs brief respites, too. The goal for the 4:20 group is to finish within 30 seconds of 4:19:30.

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