Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Finally home!

After more than 20 hours of travel, I've finally arrived home. (And just now got my 2nd of 2 checked bags delivered - ugh!) Far too tired to start pulling together the many blog posts that will be recounting my trip to New Zealand and my travel to Sydney, Australia for their marathon. But I've at least uploaded the OODLES of photos from my phone onto my computer to make the process over the next few days a bit more manageable.

Stay tuned. In short, though: 1) I definitely recommend traveling to New Zealand and Australia for vacation, and 2) (SPOILER ALERT) I don't recommend the Sydney Marathon becoming a World Marathon Major as it *currently* stands -- maybe once they make severa changes, but I'll get to that in time. (To quote Blazing Saddles' Sheriff Bart, "Always like to keep my audience riveted.")

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