Thursday, December 30, 2021

Changes are working

So far, the attempt at weight loss is working fairly well. ("Official" comparison will be done on Sunday.) Which of the multiple changes I've made is contributing the most is a good question, and there's no way for me to reasonably tell. In rank order, I suspect these changes are helping with the weight loss:

1) Eating slightly less. I'm not starving myself in the least bit. The one main, consistent change on reduced food is the fact that I am no longer eating a portion of granola every morning. 270 calories isn't much, but every little bit helps.

2) Shifting my workouts to the morning. Given how I was staying late at work, thereby forcing my post-work workout to, say, 8pm to start -- and thereby pushing my dinner to about 9:30 or 10pm -- the late meal was certainly not a good thing for my metabolism. When I was working out starting about 5 or 6pm, I don't think this was an issue. But now that I've shifted my workout to the morning, before breakfast, even, my metabolism during the day is kicked into gear, I don't have the craving for "2nd breakfast" (see #1, above), and I don't have an excessively late dinner.

3) Spend 10 minutes in the sauna nearly every day post-workout. While I'm sure I'm not sweating out THAT much water, it helps remove some toxins and, apparently, does help burn 50-100% more calories than simply sitting outside of the sauna. From what I can tell, it's rather minimal.  But again, every bit helps. And it's both relaxing and speeds recovery from my workout.

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