Tuesday, November 9, 2021

On a Clear Day...

...you can see forever. 

And, just like Tuesday, September 11, 2001, this was a gorgeous, clear day (though much chillier). Having taken several hours on my own in the very somber 9/11 museum (which is a little too overwhelming to post the photos, IMO), I was getting really close to the time I needed to leave in order to meet up with a marathoner friend for lunch at Katz's. Thankfully, despite the time on my pre-purchased ticket for the SkyPod (ride to the top of One World Trade Center) being identical to my appointed lunch time, they were willing and able to let me in early; the time on the ticket didn't matter.

And, damn, was it an impressive sight!

After this brief tease in a "pre-show" area, we made our way to the next room (where we could rent a guide that points out various landmarks), go downstairs to take a standard tourist photo superimposed on the scenery (I never bother) and to a cafe, and go down one more floor to a space that has a 360-degree view out from 1WTC. And, damn, was it a bright, clear day. (Some of the photos didn't come out given the reflections and glare.)

One shot I was surprised I had a good enough angle to take: Governor's Island, Ellis Island/Statue of Liberty, and Verrazano-Narrows bridge.

 Our 1st bridge of the marathon route - Verrazano-Narrows - and the Statue of Liberty, closer up.

Slightly tricky photos, given some of the glare.

St. Paul's Chapel

View of the Oculus from high above and part of the memorial:

While I missed taking video during the ride up to the top (which basically showed the development of Manahattan Island through present day -- and which had the noticeable vanishing of the Twin Towers during the timelapse), I was faster on the trigger for the video they played on the descent.

Cutting it close, but it just turning about 2pm and having a plan to meet up at Katz's at 2:30pm, I was feeling confident that I could be on time.

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