Sunday, February 23, 2025

Slight nerves for upcoming race

The goal for next week in Little Rock is to break 3:15 (preferably breaking 3:13, even). I've been using the training plan that I used for when I broke 3:00 a few years ago. There have been a number of days when my results on the day were not what they should have been per that plan -- slowed down for bits, maybe even a brief walk break a la water stops. 

Certainly I'm not trained for sub-3:00, but I'm hopeful that I've done enough combined across all of the workouts, both those that worked perfectly and those that were suboptimal, that I can hit my goals.

Mercifully, the forecast has improved of late. I can only hope that this one stays as is. If so, I won't have anything to worry about on race other than me -- the only thing that I can control.

Fingers crossed!

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