Monday, March 18, 2024

Cause and Effect

Intermittently over the last few weeks, I've had a little bit of a blister (manageable) on the inside of my left pinky toe. I had recently handled it and bandaged it up with some gauze. Simultaneously, there was a pseudo-blister/corn on the inside of the same foot, a bit down from my big toe.

On Sunday, I had my long run. Given the bandage on my pinky toe, I couldn't use my regular toe socks, so wore a pair of my Wright socks instead (double-layer socks). Unfortunately, though, my gait and how my foot was landing was abnormal, so the inside of my foot was rubbing far more than would be normal. Yep -- blister time. In fact, I wound up stopping a few miles early because it became painful enough to keep on pushing through.

And, given how everything was working, I also wound up slightly exacerbating my pinky toe, too. Oy! Not a good way to be entering the taper period. 

When I finally got a real opportunity to address my foot after getting home from the gym, it was a rather nasty sight. 

And while this morning was a bit difficult in terms of putting on my shoes, things settled down enough where by the end of the day, my foot feels fine. Sure, I'm not going to take off the one blister bandage for several days, and will hopefully be able to take off the other bandage soon. But it looks like I might be able to handle this in relatively short order, likely by replacing my running with elliptical for a day or two to try to keep the cardio up while minimizing any possibility of exacerbating a blister. Definitely need to make sure that I not only get to Coast Guard Marathon solidly, but also survive that well enough to get to Boston 8 days later in sufficient condition to finish. (I'm not running Boston for time, so all I need is to be  mobile enough to enjoy the experience.)

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