In just over a month, those of us Dopey enough to run four consecutive days' races will be set on the course by some of our favorite characters. And just what will the courses be, especially given all of the construction happening in the middle of Epcot -- where all races finish? Disney has finally put out the respective maps:
Normally, we stay "on stage" in front of Japan and France, and make part of our way in the center of Epcot. This year, we will be diverting backstage of Japan and France, cutting over to Journey Into Imagination and past The Seas, to approach Spaceship Earth from the northwest side before making our way to the traditional backstage exit to the finish line.


For the first time since the 10k has been held, we will actually be running through a portion of Hollywood Studios. Interestingly enough, we will be entering backstage between Rock 'n Rollercoaster and Tower of Terror. During the marathon, for several years now, we have been entering backstage on the *other* side of Tower of Terror. This will be interesting to see what this portion looks like.
Half Marathon:

We barely touch any onstage portion of Epcot at the tail end of the half marathon. Huh.

The marathon course is HUGELY different compared to pre-COVID/pre-EPCOT-construction times. We actually enter Epcot by Mile 2 (rather than passing The Black Pearl just before the toll booths to Magic Kingdom right then) and exit before Mile 4 in the backstage area near Test Track, and make our way back to the same part of the course as has the start line, it seems. I have no idea how they are going to be working this so that the people in Corral A aren't hampered by the later corrals -- which won't have even started yet.
Where we used to enter Magic Kingdom somewhere around Mile 6-7, we will be entering around Mile 10. So Animal Kingdom will be later on the course than recent years -- around Mile 17. And rather than exiting AK by the front of the park and past the bus stops, we'll be doubling back, backstage of Expedition Everest. (!)
Where we had gone through the parking lot and a decent portion of Blizzard Beach in recent years, it looks like we won't actually enter in the park around Mile 21, before winding our way into Hollywood Studios through our recently usual backstage entrance on the northeast side of Tower of Terror (the opposite side than the 10k). We make our way from the International Gateway, around World Showcase from France past Mexico and making our way out of the park towards the finish line very differently than the past 10 years. We'll wind up exiting backstage above Test Track and behind Mission to Mars and make our way to the finish line. this will be very disorienting, because regulars know exactly where to expect the "Hallelujah Chorus" and know that it's Mile 26. But with this re-route, it will feel a fair bit further before hearing that choir and possibly a bit disheartening in the approach until finally seeing them.
This will be an interesting set of races with all of these changes in the route.